it's filler space time babey RLLY FCKIN WISH CARRD MADE IT EASIER LMAO

it's filler space time babey RLLY FCKIN WISH CARRD MADE IT EASIER LMAO

it's filler space time babey RLLY FCKIN WISH CARRD MADE IT EASIER LMAO

——  a little bit of sugar  but lots of poison too !


    INTRODUCTION    []{#000000}
this is an independent and canon divergent blog for evie d'entença, a fandomless interpretation. while i do not own evie from her source material, i claim ownership of all development, headcanons, and divergences, as well as details of her verses and biographies. please do not steal them.
e    GENERAL    ei ask that you are at least 18 years old. i only write with mutuals and i'm reluctant to follow blogs that : focus solely on smut / sexual nsfw, write real people ( including historical ), constant vague-posting. i may softblock for whatever reason. it's never personal if i don't communicate with you. please softblock when breaking mutuals, i'd rather not interact with your content not knowing we're no longer mutuals.formatting doesn’t matter to me. just cut your posts, and do not use a picture/screenshot as your reply. my formatting fluctuates but i always use small text, minimal spacings, and small icons, but i will also go iconless with a divider.

this blog may include: explicit language, implied sexual content, various graphic descriptions, references to sexual harassment, murder, kidnapping, abuse, torture. i am never going to write out sexual assault or rape. the most you’ll get out of me are references.
    NSFW    e
this blog will have implied sexual nsfw content, but very rarely, as it’s not my thing. smutting will not happen, but i’m okay with a fade - to - black! __sex as a topic will come up__ in threads and posts, and will be tagged appropriately. i also don’t care if you smut, just don't be creepy about it.
e    PORTRAYAL    ei consider evie my oc after years of developing her beyond her source material, and her main verse is not descendants. i am open to writing in that verse as it holds a special place in my heart, it would just require plotting as i also have done extensive worldbuilding for auradon. please do not overlook her divergences page if interested in her descendants verse!

kthis blog is +multiship, meaning every ship is independent of another.i'm open to romantic shipping so long as there's chemistry, but i also deeply value other types of dynamics and would love to explore those on my blog! either way, don’t hesitate to message me if you’re interested!j    WRITER & CREDITS    mhi friends, i’m macy, 24, she/her. i have so many other blogs, it’s a problem tbh, so you might see me floating around! feel free to ask me for my discord if we’re mutuals, i’d love to get to know you !!anything without credit is my here for the original lore doc on droyi coire! big smooch to tas @levered for creating this world with me <3


name        :        evelyn sofia grimhilde d'entença.
pronunciation        :        eh·van·juh·leen sow·fee·uh grehm-hild di-ehn-sah ( nt is silence ).
epithets        :        evie, eves, ev, little evilette, blueberry princess, e, princess.
birthday        :        july 13.
age        :        21+ by default. ( prefer 23-28 range ) verse dependent.
place of birth        :        asoron, doneros.
current location        :        asoron, doneros.
occupation        :                designer, scientist, secret contact for the rebellion.
orientation.        :                bisexual/biromantic.
relationship status        :                in a relationship with benjamin florian châtillon / verse dependent.
height        :                five feet, four inches.
hair        :        obsidian with sapphire / midnight undertones and varying blue shades, nearly at her waist, usually worn down with curls and simple half-up-dos.
eyes        :                hazel, green fuses and coffee-tones.
body type        :                petite, slim, slender.
fashion        :                varies with steam punk and cyberpunk influences with haute-couture aspects, mixed in with high fantasy attire - usually starting her own trends and mixing a variety of styles. can be found usually wearing skirts and dresses, in tones of blues, reds, blacks, and whites. always in heels.
notable aspects        :                 large laceration scar across her chest and some smaller ones near her ribs, numerous smaller strikes by her hips. small tattoo of three out-lined “sparkles” on her upper-left ribcage, just under the side of her breast.face claim        :                sofia        :                regina grimhilde d'entença / mother.        father unknown.

crash course        :        born and raised in asoron, the capitol of doneros, evie is the daughter of a powerful and immortal sorceress who lives in secret among innox in the mainland, and holds a high - tier influential power. she keeps her powers hidden from the tyrannical society of innox who strive to eliminate noxir. she joins the mage renegades at age sixteen and becomes one of their most important spy contacts in the mainland by age eighteen, feeding them information that would help the resistance move forward she currently attends one of the most elite and private universities in doneros, handling her own fashion boutique in her free time where she designs her own signature pieces. she also works at a corrupt government - owned, science - based engineering organization.

behaviorisms        :        soft-spoken, graceful, smooth. raised and trained to be a princess with perfect posture and diplomatic mannerisms.
moral alignment        :        lawful good.
myers-briggs        :        enfj-t.
enneagram        :        type 2.
temperament        :        sanguine.
positive traits        :        kind, loyal, creative, focused, clever, intelligent, resourceful, charismatic, decisive, honest, empathetic, intuitive, adaptable, observant, passionate.
negative traits        :        impulsive, egoistical, insecure, vain, sensitive, calculating, trusting, envious, idealistic.
skills & abilities        :        magic, potions, sewing, advanced scientific knowledge.master of a droyi coire's version of capoeira, which disguises self-defense moves as dance. extremely acrobatic, with flips, punches, and kicks. also skilled with krav maga, initially learned for self-defense.evie’s an extremely sly and secretive person, so she prefers weapons she can keep on her body. efficient in using ring daggers, butterfly knives, and switch blades, various can be found hidden throughout her form.blank        :persona        :        evie is a kind and loving person at heart, though she is fully capable of detaching herself from situations to play a different role. highly adaptable, she is considered a chameleon, able to successfully maneuver the world effortlessly. she cares immensely for the rights of everyone, especially those who have been stripped of their voice and she strives to fight for everyone. she gives more herself away than she takes, always the one to give the most than to receive, not that she expects anything in return. despite her upbringing, she is remarkably selfless - for the most part. soft spoken and gentle, she very much prefers to alleviate tension and solve problems with her words, believing violence to be an unnecessary force.


act one        :        the fall.Over snowy hills near the border of an enchanted forest, territory lines and wards marked off a warning for unwanted visitors - an ancient castle as intimidating as its owner stood tall in its midst. There was a woman whose reputation relied solely on her physical features, described as an icily beautiful woman with a serene, unfeeling face. Queen of her own realm, content with solitary, she held onto any semblances of power with a snap of her fingers. A cruel ruler, dusted bones of previous prisoners could be found in her dungeons, and she worked to terrorize her people out of pure enjoyment and desire for power. As a noxir, a powerful sorceress, Regina harbored the gift to magick just about anything to her liking, often using her powers for deadly means. As the centuries passed, she remained young in her appearance, aside from the stone cold organ that lay in her chest - a rotting, withered heart. She feasted on youthful hearts as part of a ritual to maintain her youth, caring little for her terrifying reputation so long as it cast fear where she walked.As power descended towards rising families, Regina was there, always a whisper of deadly persuasion. Though never properly caught, she was rumored to have had a hand in the fall of many dynasties. She thrived for nearly a millennia, even as innox began developing technology. Regina cared little for innox affairs, viewing herself to be superior to them and tools to utilize whenever she would need to. It wasn’t until the technology had grown far more advanced than she could have perceived, pushing forward a threat she had not considered - now, here, she worried the innox would now have the ability to take her away from all that she’d built. It only took a few decades, but when the propaganda eventually spread into a war that threatened the livelihood of the Quelled Forest, the world Regina had built around her would crumble into dust.After most noxir had been rounded up all throughout Droyi Coire, she stood in the depths of her castle to cast a spell that would protect her from the further bloodshed to come. She watched as her reflection melted away from the mirror that had once been her confidante, as icy features shifted into an abstract - its beauty undeniable but unspecific. With four bleeding, still beating, innox hearts crushed in her hands, she wrapped a glamour over herself and her bloodline, rendering her undetectable to the naked eye and whatever innox machinery that could track noxir. This was a woman who’d chosen herself, as she always had. But when she nearly reached the barrier of the Quelled, she heard the screams that would echo through the dark of the night, the flames that erupted to the skies - and she felt, in her core, as her home had tumbled to the grown. Blood would stain the soil, and she knew then that their war had been lost already. The massacre from the Night of Darkness in Iladon would forever haunt her, and it drove her to try and assist as many of her fellow noxir as she could before going into hiding.Years later, the war has ended in favor of the innox. She had watched noxir burn. She had watched them publicly executed. Tortured. Chased away. And she watched as the innox discarded mountains of bodies without batting an eye so they could build their new world in the southern region. Regina never fared well where she could not use her magic, and though it pained her greatly, the sacrifice in getting to stay alive long enough to sanction her revenge would taste better. So she blended in with innox, fitted from lies of a woman alone from the war, to start anew. As the decades passed, she built an elaborate scheme to maintain her cover, having become one of the more prominent, influential residents of the newly formed capitol in Doneros - Asoron.

Falling deeper and deeper into her role, a woman who spent her entire life never loving another soul that wasn’t her own, never finding adoration in a vanity that did not meet her reflection, now bore the very title she had always considered her own downfall: she’d become a mother to a baby girl. Reluctant to allow the father into the life of her newborn, she was determined to raise her on her own. She would name her daughter Evangeline, and she knew the moment she looked into wide - eyed hazels that her life would never stay the same from this point on.act two        :        chrysalis undoing.Evelyn, more often called Evie, grew up knowing how to summon the stars in her room at night before ever saying her first word, despite her mother’s desperate attempts to quell its presence from the public. Magic coursed through Evie, extended from her mother and this aspect was enough to please Regina, as she could find contentedness in knowing her own blood was worthy of her name - though this would not last long, as Evie’s powers had suddenly gone dormant without warning. In the world they lived in, the lack of magic was a good thing, a relief, but it only further labelled Evie as a failure in her mother’s eyes. Evie met the harsh expectations of perfection before she could walk, making a friend in the mirror that taunted her daily and nightly, with the stick that lashed at her arms, hands, back, and shoulder when her posture was less than perfect. Although the D’Entença bloodline no longer publicly held the roots of Iladon royalty, she was still meant to hold the graceful composure of a princess.Her mother’s love showed in the way she painted a story for themselves, hosting extravagant birthday parties, in the dedication of ballet training, in the way she spent far too long ensuring not a hair was out of place. Evie was pushed to reach for the top and to accept nothing less, to go where the attention would favor her, and this included playing along with her mother’s attempts of match - making through the years. The older Evie got, the more distant yet paradoxically closer Regina got - in the way she watched her moves, the inspection of perceived flaws, but not in hugs or I love you’s that weren’t tied to an agenda. Praise and kindness were currency meant to be earned and rarely given out. The D’Entença home always lacked a certain warmth, and Evie had already learned to love the cold.It wasn’t until she was thirteen that her magic had returned through her first attempt at protecting herself, conjuring a shield from flying glass shards directed at her. She would learn later on that this was her mother’s rather cruel method of drawing her magic out. It was then that the reality of how dangerous their world truly was had dawned on her, as she underwent brutal training to shield her magic effortlessly. The truth of the growing rebellion would be revealed to her as well, with her mother secretly being one of the major moving pieces of the process - a spy in the midst of the enemy - and it was enough to provide her with the hope and faith she’d been desperately needing since fully understanding the danger of being noxir in a society that executed them.Despite Regina’s cold demeanor, Evie was able to find warmth within herself, embracing a certain grace and softness within her that not even her mother could stifle out. In addition to ballet, Evie developed a love for fashion, especially in creating her own pieces. This was treated as a side hobby, and she would rarely leave the house without something that wasn’t her own creation - and due to her mother’s paranoia of the Curators somehow finding out about Evie’s magic. Her interests shifted into science when she reached higher levels in her academic education, having experienced a real lab for the first time - and she learned she was quite adept with chemistry, most likely due to her work with potions and spells at home.Born already living a lie, Evie had become efficient in such a labyrinth of games. A master of many skills, manipulation and acting were the two main features. Wearing a mask her entire life made the act itself effortless, a reflex by now. She harbored the reputation of a flirt, a heartbreaker, the girl who always got away. Talking was her best game, and she knew her way with words better than fighting with her fists. She was, after all, the sorceress’s daughter. Playing a role became easier and easier - she was the flirt, she was the girl with a pretty face and an empty head. Anything to get by, anything to gain admiration and approval from others. And still, she could never make her mother proud.

When Evie was sixteen, she underestimated the dangers of the city she lived in. Targeted and surrounded by innox targeting random civilians, she was stabbed and left for dead as she bled out onto the aged cement. She met death that night, feeling its sharp, freezing grasp around her throat - and then she awoke to stars watching down on her from the night sky. Blood dried around her form, clinging to her clothes, but the wound had closed and all that was left behind was a faint scar near her abdomen. Magic had saved her, then. She walked the entire way home, careful to avoid curious eyes and the Curator patrol. If not for the very real proof of what had happened, she would have thought it a vivid nightmare, but even then, it would start to plague her dreams when she fell into slumber. She never told another person what happened.With the reminder that weakness was not an option, Evie maintained her focus on trying to make her mother proud, to be the perfect princess she was meant to be. She excelled academically, she thrived in her social circles, and she participated in numerous activities, most notably ballet. There was never a shortage of company and admirers, and though Evie had always sought comfort in the presence of many, she could never shake the feeling of loneliness in even the busiest of crowds. She was always playing a part, wearing a mask, being a chameleon.act three        :        trojan horse.The stakes rose higher for Evie as she grew interested in the Mage Renegades and their cause, eager to contribute actively instead of staying on the sidelines. She wanted to do more than watch as the news of attacks decimating another noxir location blasted, and she wanted to stop witnessing the blatant disappearances of hidden noxir around Droyi Coire. By the time Evie was eighteen years old, she had become an important member of the Renegades, their primary contact in the Mainland. Her mother initially did not approve, and still does not, but figured it was safer to be aware of her actions and keep her safe then instead of having to grieve for her only daughter should things go wrong without her knowledge.Despite being one of the major players to the rebellion, Evie had never left the mainland, though she bore a strong curiosity and urge to cross the Quelled Forest to reach the Barren Land. She had always wanted to see her roots, to visit the land her mother once ruled over. And with whispers of Vedred housing a saturated population of heavily skilled and well - trained noxir, her desire to escape and journey there increased. Until she could make her wishes a reality, she trained with her mother in secret - honing her magic abilities, her combat skills, extending her academic knowledge.On the public front, Evie attends one of the more private universities in the capitol with high tier focuses in the sciences and business, and fashion in the lower tier. She earned enough funds selling original fashion pieces to open her own boutique, garnering a high count of exclusive clientele. When she isn’t focusing on fashion, she works for one of the more prominent science - based corporations in the capitol geared towards weapons engineering in the chemists department.With the Renegades growing in power and their presence slowly starting to alarm the innox government and the Curators, tensions have started to rise, making life difficult as noxir in hiding. The future scares Evie, but knowing that she will have played a hand in dismantling the tyranny of innox brings her more than enough comfort.


    MAIN    current        :        all while keeping her magic hidden, evie attends university in asoron, manages her fashion boutique, and works at the corrupt science - based facility that works on weapons. she's a member of the mage renegades, one of their primary spy contacts in the main land where she keeps an eye out and leaks various information.later arc        :        takes place later in her arc where the rebellion efforts start making more noise and tensions start escalating into full on attacks. at this point, her cover is blown and evie is fully aligned with the renegades and is fighting with them.blank        :
vedred au        :        most of her main story is the same, just pretend that her mother never moved them to the mainland. instead, they lived in the quelled forest for a good chunk before moving to what is now called vedred, where she trains at one of the academies for her magic. evie later joins the mage renegades.main modern        :        born and raised in seattle in a two-bedroom apartment with her mother. relationship dynamic is the same with her mother. was a ballerina dancer all throughout her life, and excelled academically. loves fashion, loves stem. got a full-ride to a university in new york, a life-time goal of hers to finally move away from her mother. double-majoring in chemistry, fashion, and minoring in business, with an interest in law. ballet dancer at american ballet theater, whilst participating in small-time musicals and performances outside of ballet. would go on to work as a fashion designer and establish her own line. full biography and stats here.urban fantasy        :        born and raised in seattle in a two-bedroom apartment with her mother, an immortal sorceress. evie inherited her mom's magic. she was a ballerina dancer all throughout her life, and excelled academically. loves fashion, loves stem. got a full-ride to a university in new york, a life-time goal of hers to finally move away from her mother. double-majoring in chemistry, fashion, and minoring in business, with an interest in law. ballet dancer at american ballet theater, whilst participating in small-time musicals and performances outside of ballet. would go on to work as a fashion designer and establish her own line. little does she know, is that she will have to confront her demons and the rising threat of the fact that only one woman in the d'entença bloodline can have magic. full biography and stats here.blank        :
teen wolf        :        born and raised in beacon hills and hails from a long line of top-secret, coveted supernatural hunters. was trained into the life of a hunter as soon as she was able to walk, though she decided she didn’t want that life anymore. a budding witch, she practices magic in private and doesn’t use it publicly. attends beacon hills high school, works part-time at a diner as a waitress. has a knack for potion-making and chemistry, and makes her own concoctions and potions. makes healing remedies with supernatural qualities, including rapid healing. her popular product is her “drug”, which isn’t really drugs, but they have the same psychedelic effect as shrooms, lsd, and ecstasy. just – not deadly? her edible “potions” are always in the form of gummies and nobody knows she’s the “dealer” but everyone knows they’re the “best”. she’s fully aware of everything supernatural that goes on in town as she gets a vibe when coming across a supernatural, but she doesn’t care enough to worry about it. also dabbles in poison, which she makes for her mother’s arsenal of weapons. she’s skilled in making armor and hunting outfits, as well as various “war” attire and weaponry.julie & the phantoms        :        died in 2010 when she was seventeen years old from poisoning, unknown who did it but it is suspected it was any of her competitors. evie was born and raised in seattle and always involved with the arts: ballet, singing, fashion designing, and general dancing. highly talented, she was selected as a nominee for a performing arts academy in new york city. ranked in the top, towards the end of the process, she was poisoned after eating one of the apples from a basket delivered to her room. life after death was confusing for her when she first awoke as a ghost, and she stayed near her old neighborhood in south seattle for comfort. it wasn’t until a few months later that she accepted her fate and started testing out her own abilities as a ghost, especially after running into a few others who took her in. always wanting to travel, she hopped from city to city and landed herself in los angeles, often hanging around the performing arts academies, and “taking” the ballet classes offered. loneliness held the heaviest weight in her heart, and she longs to be seen and accepted, scared for what comes later.pjo        :        daughter of aphrodite, evie’s father had passed about two years after she was born, leaving her with her stepmother. unhappy with her home life through suffering from the abuse of her stepmother, she makes goals to leave after high school, longing for the day to be free. when she was ten, however, her gifts had begun acting up and with, who she thought was her childhood friend, she began to learn the origins of her story. her childhood friend, really a protector, helped her pack-up and adjust to life at camp halfblood, a full-time camper. she, however, feels out of place once sorted into aphrodite’s cabin, not having much in common with her half-siblings aside from a mother. and quite frankly, she finds them obnoxious. she aligns herself with the other cabins, seeking knowledge, and other aspects beyond the world she knew. a skilled fighter, she takes to creating fashion and weaponizable outfits, having an affinity for th art of poison and using her charms to her advantages.

deadly class        :        part of a secret mother-daughter-led, all women femme fatale duo. infamous for their line of work in poisoning and daggers. only kill men they believe deserve it or are hired to do so. evie loves her poisons and her “kiss of death” lipstick, the legacy’s trademark being a lipstick mark left behind. part of the “ravens”, she attends king’s dominion along with four others from her group to better train herself and make her mother and her legacy proud, a difficult feat. despite the highly lethal reputation she carries, she secretly struggles with her identity and her sanity with taking lives. she’d been raised to take after her mother, and though she’d never admit it out loud, she dreams of another life where she could choose her own path.tvdu        :        a “legacy”, she hails from a powerful bloodline of ancient witches, and her mother is head of a highly coveted and powerful coven. for legacies, she attends the salvatore boarding school ( sub verse may have her a witch, but attending mystic falls high school instead ). for tvd/to, she attended mystic falls high school her senior year after moving from new york because she accidentally killed someone at her old school with magic. was lowkey sorta kinda the villain just bc she was new in town and didn't exactly have full control of her powers for a while, but not anymore.marvel        :        there are three-ish sub-verses. throughout all the verses, her powers remain the same: she has a form of siren-song and allure, though it could be simply described as intense persuasion through vocal command suggestion; this leaves those she targets in a trance and subjected to her commands.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀VER 01. evie is an agent of rav-m ( my original lore : basically an evil organization similar to a.i.m. or hydra ), where regina is part of the political factor. she’s been raised into rav-m ideology and trained her entire life. ruthless, manipulative, and deadly, she’s been made into a walking weapon.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀VER 02. attending midtown high school of science and technology, thrown into the life of vigilantism - she has powers of a siren's call which is basically just voice induction.
eternals        :        the source inspiration behind the mythology of nyx. more info here.

the magicians        :        follows modern verse where she’s born and raised in seattle, and moves to new york to attend university, only to receive an invitation from brakebills. she finds out she’s a magician, and that her mother had actually been a student in the past but had been expelled and forced to become a hedge witch, a fact she’d been aware of. in love with potion making, evie rose to become one of the most talented and skilled magicians at brakebills.mindhunter / crime based        :        skilled and perceptive, manipulative and cunning, evie works her way up as a woman in the 70s and seeking to thrive in crime and law. best at reading others, she seeks to become a profiler and an analyst. her reputation at the fbi left her getting the work done without any credit, but she has a passion for getting underneath people’s skin for her own safety. she majors in psychology, sociology, and is on the law track, trying to juggle her career with the fbi and her love for brighter parts of the world : arts. she’s got her own reasons for throwing herself into a world of crime, purely to understand why her father committed the crimes he did, and how it destroyed her childhood. ( for non-mindhunter, just pretend it isn’t the 70s. story still applies ).fear street        :⠀⠀ ⠀⠀1994. born and raised in shadyside, attending shadyside hs. she’s a chem whiz and known for her helpful and trippy concoctions. she comes from a long line of witches, though she never fully tapped into that start of her ( nor did she really believe it at first ). she desperately wants to get out of shadyside and is hoping her high academics and new approach to fashion is enough. she can be found at the science lab, the arts room at high school working on her fashion designing, or at a seamstress boutique at the mall — though she quit temporarily to work at a diner after the horror events.-
in the movie, i have her getting off her shift minutes before the killing started at the beginning, and she was at the high school in the art room during the entire Attempt to blow up the killers. she had her walkman on blast and couldn’t hear anything, and was far away enough that she didn’t notice until after the explosion.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀1978. shadyside counselor at camp, she makes it out on the bus after attempts to help - though her focus was ultimately on the safety of the campers. she mostly functioned as the bridge between sunnyvale and shadyside ( or tries to ) because of her inclination to behave differently than what others expect of her. she’s kind and patient, and just wants everyone to get along. however, she does have moments of frustration and pettiness.glee        :        in the same class as finn, rachel, quinn etc., on the cheerios team and also part of new directions. lowkey dances at the local ballet center and wants to dance in new york and broadway. huge catherine zeta fan. tba.

bungo stray dogs        :        follows the same arc as her modern verse, only a trip to yokohama after she graduates high school lands her in the middle of trouble as she stumbles upon a port mafia operation. she accidentally leaves destruction in her wake, later swept up by the special operations division - initially held prisoner, but later recruited as part of a deal due to her ability. more info here.the 100        : VER 01. evie snuck onto the jump ship for the 100 after overhearing one of the guards from the prisons discussing it. not particularly caring if she’d make it out alive or not, she goes all in. a survivor, she fends for herself and blends in the shadows, observing and taking in the information from afar. she learned the art of poisons from nature very early on, using them as weapons even though she didn’t particularly favor violence. became skilled in combat, agile and flexible, light on her feet. she’s quick and is able to sneak around effortlessly, a master manipulator and strategist. she’s often the mediator in conflicts and a source of comfort. VER 02. born from podakru, evie was kidnapped and taken, raised in azgeda, the ice nation. trained to be an assassin, her flirtatious and charismatic nature gets her far.shadowhunters / the mortal instruments        :        a warlock, a downworlder : evie is the daughter of a powerful warlock, her lineage well-known and respected among downworlders. she is often found at glamorous parties or her own fashion boutique where she designs and creates custom-made orders for her clients.zombies        :        a natural-born zombie, evie sneaks into seabrook high and pretends to be human after hacking her z-band on a dare. she ends up liking the school and her new friends, keeping the lie up for as long as she could. she lasts about a month before the z-band corrupts and exposes herself as a zombie, though she eventually works to fix her friendships and find her place again after the integration of zombies into seabrook high officially.jujutsu kaisen        :        born into a legacy bloodline of sorcerors, evie’s worked her hardest to make her mother proud, a born - sorceress who fraternized with a human and was later shoved out of the family once it was revealed he was a cursed spirit. although never mentioned aloud, evie felt herself a disgrace to her own mother, and grew up determined to prove herself. her desperation allowed her to propel beyond her years in studies and training, her speciality manifesting in the form of various beauty / fashion items. beyond this, she's skilled in the art of seamless poison, as well as creating innovative methods of self - defense.chilling adventures of sabrina        :        daughter of a powerful witch and warlock, evie had been involved with the church of night for as long as she could remember, signing over her soul. well liked among her peers, she felt at home in the academy — at least until her mother was outed as a hedge witch upon losing her control, and everything changed. her gifts had expanded over the years, and with her mother being a hedge witch, her magic was much more powerful than most. her speciality was illusion and poison, though they manifested differently. her eyes would turn a pitch black, filling the whites with obsidians so deep, so dark that staring into them when her powers were in use would drive someone insane ( temporarily, or with whatever effect she desired ; she could make them see whatever she wanted ). her mother called them galaxy eyes – because of the way they grew starry, with iridescent swirls meant to draw anyone in, but everyone else at the academy condemned her. rumors spread, and students grew wary of her, afraid to look her in the eyes despite nothing happening.grishaverse        :        an alkemi born and raised in ketterdam, daughter of one of the more sophisticated and ruthless gang leaders. a part of the ravens, an all woman gang. very elusive, very difficult to get in with. more info here.stranger things        :        thirteen, one of the subjects from the facilities. version two: just a regular teen at hawkins high school. more of thrones        :        previously a bastard, now legitimized daughter of house martel. tba.blank        :    DESCENDANTS    descendants main        :        mostly canon, mother’s powers revealed themselves by d2, and she’s a fully developed sorceress by d3. started and owned her own business, evie’s 4 hearts, and became a well renowned seamstress and fashion designer, as well as skilled chemist and professional ballerina dancer. full biography, stats, and divergences here.auradon born        :        born and raised in auradon by snow white, who took her in after grimhilde was sent to the isle. more tba.if evil won        :        evie never stops her act and acts the same, only progressively worse and far more manipulative and vicious. (verse has either evie grabbing the wand and evil queen taking over, or standing by as mal takes the wand). she might deal with some manifesting doubts of regret, but overall tries her hardest to make her mother proud.disney ( non - desc )        :        for ease, this follows the maleficent 2014 / 2019 films timeline, where evie is from the same generation as aurora, phillip, cinderella, etc ( basically just not the descendant ). still the daughter of the evil queen, residing in their own territory with a small kingdom without subjects. she seeks peace and unions among other kingdoms.

mains & exclusives.

mains, exclusives, and ship exclusives. exclusives means i do not write with another portrayal of the same muse, and ship exclusives means i do not ship romantically with another portrayal of the same muse.
+ denotes ship exclusive

blank        :



+ hecrowned        :        benjamin châtillon.
+ rosein        :        audrey rose.
livevl        :        mal bertha.
dogfearing        :        carlos de vil.
lcvelj        :        lara jean song-covey.
gil legume        :        softbrawn.
crushego        :        blogwide.
stalkfilm        :        mickey altieri.
reflectiones        :        elena gilbert.
rosepyre        :        serena carlisle.



levered        :        akllasqa mamáni.
reflectiones        :        zarya.
